Leandro Maracahipes. Associate Research Google Scholar | Lattes | Orcid | ResearchGate
Dr. Maracahipes is a plant ecologist interested in how plants and ecosystems respond to fire, drought, deforestation, climate change and land use in the tropics. His research focuses on plant functional traits, including both hydraulic and morphological traits. Currently, he is interested in understanding how the synergy between compound disturbance events and extreme drought events affects tree mortality rates and forest composition, structure, and functioning in Amazonia and Cerrado.
Dr. Maracahipes is a plant ecologist interested in how plants and ecosystems respond to fire, drought, deforestation, climate change and land use in the tropics. His research focuses on plant functional traits, including both hydraulic and morphological traits. Currently, he is interested in understanding how the synergy between compound disturbance events and extreme drought events affects tree mortality rates and forest composition, structure, and functioning in Amazonia and Cerrado.
Paulo Haniel Souza da Natividade. Master Student Lattes
- Graduated in Natural Sciences from the Federal University of Pará. He is currently in the final semester of his master's degree in Tropical Botany at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia and the Goeldi Museum. His research aims to assess the impact of extreme droughts on the resilience of trees in the transition between the Amazon and Cerrado biomes, using dendrochronological methods.
Mychellyne Maria Silva Silva. Master Student Lattes
- Graduated in Natural Sciences from the Federal University of Pará. She is currently doing a master's degree in Tropical Botany (PPGBOT) at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia (UFRA) and the Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG). Her research focuses on the dynamics of woody species communities under different fire intensities in the transition between the Amazon and the Cerrado. Her project investigates the impacts of fire and the recovery of tropical forests subjected to experimental burning.
Jucelino da Silva Coutinho. MSc. Co-advisor (2022).
Josiene Naves Carrijo. MSc. Co-advisor (2020).
Jucelino da Silva Coutinho. MSc. Co-advisor (2022).
Josiene Naves Carrijo. MSc. Co-advisor (2020).